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How to Dress for a Banking Job: A Comprehensive Guide

For Interviews

  1. Dress at least as well as those employed in the position
  2. Err on the side of conservative attire
  3. Pay close attention to cleanliness and detail
  4. Avoid strong perfumes, ostentatious jewelry, and provocative clothing
  5. Get a professional haircut and manicure

For Men

  • Gray or navy blue business suit
  • White or light pastel long-sleeve shirt
  • Conservative tie (blue, green, or red)
  • Matching belt and shoes
  • Matching socks and pants

For Women

  • Navy blue, black, or gray skirt suit or pantsuit
  • White or light blue blouse with high neckline
  • Skin-colored hosiery
  • Low-heeled, closed-toe dress shoes
  • Briefcase instead of handbag

For the Job

  1. Read and follow the company dress code
  2. Ask about casual days and policies
  3. Choose comfortable yet professional shoes
  4. Keep all clothing neat, clean, and wrinkle-free
  5. Cover piercings and tattoos
  6. Ensure appropriate clothing length (shirts, skirts)
  7. Know when to wear a suit jacket (observe colleagues)

General Tips

  • Iron all clothing
  • Professionally wax shoes
  • Remove body piercings and hide tattoos
  • Minimal makeup in natural shades
  • Clear nail polish or none
  • Carry spare hosiery for emergencies

Remember, the banking industry values conservative, professional appearance. Your attire should convey attention to detail and a serious approach to your work. Always observe your colleagues and superiors to ensure you’re meeting the unwritten dress code expectations of your specific workplace.

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